(1.)Heard Mr. Sumeet Sharma, Advocate, for the appellant and Mr. Saurabh Gupta, Advocate, for the respondent.
(2.)Jaypee Greens (the opposite party) has filed above appeal against order of State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Delhi, dtd. 24/10/2016, passed in CC/582/2016, allowing the complaint with cost of Rs.100000.00 and directing the appellant to refund Rs.6807595.00 with interest @18% per annum from date of respective deposit till the date of payment, within sixty days, with default clause and pay compensation of Rs.500000.00 for mental agony and harassment to the complainant.
(3.)Yogesh Kumar Garg (the respondent) filed CC/582/2016, for declaring (i) letter dtd. 4/7/2013 of Jaypee Greens (the appellant), cancelling his allotment dtd. 5/10/2009 as revised on 3/11/2009 and demand of additional/excess consideration in the heads of 'service tax', 'maintenance charges', 'social club membership', 'social club subscription fee', 'holding charges', 'interest' and other demands as null and void; and directing Jaypee Greens (the appellant) to (ii) deliver possession of the flat allotted to him, complete in all respect as per specifications; (iii) pay delay compensation in the form of interest @18% per annum on his deposit of Rs.6807595.00, from April, 2010 till the date of possession; (iv) pay Rs.500000.00 as compensation for mental agony and harassment; (v) pay Rs.50000.00 as litigation costs; and (vi) any other relief which is deemed fit and proper in the facts of the case.
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