Abhinand Kumar Shavili, J. -
(1.)This writ petition is filed seeking a Writ of Mandamus declaring the letter, dated 19.09.2017, issued by the respondents, whereby the petitioner was required to retire from service with effect from 01.10.2018, as unreasonable, arbitrary, discriminatory and violative of Articles 14 and 16 of the Constitution of India and quash or set aside the same and further direct the respondents not to alter the date of birth of the petitioner which was originally recorded in his service records as 18.05.1961 and continue the petitioner in service until he reaches superannuation in the normal course.
(2.)Heard Sri Vishwanath Manoj, counsel for the petitioner, and Sri J. Sreenivasa Rao, Standing Counsel appearing for the respondents.
(3.)It has been contended by the petitioner that he was initially appointed as General Mazdoor with the respondents on 10.04.1984. Since he has passed only Class VII and there were no other educational qualifications possessed by the petitioner at the time of his appointment, he was subjected to Medical Examination for determination of his age and the competent Medical Board of the respondents has assessed the age of the petitioner as 25 years as on 27.09.1983 and based upon the medical report, the date of birth of the petitioner was entered as 18.05.1961 in the service records and, since then, he has been discharging his duties to the best satisfaction of his superiors and everyone concerned.
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