(1.)This revision is directed against the order dated 10th December, 2005, hereinafter, for short the impugned order, passed by learned Chief Judicial Magistrate, Sopore, in complaint titled Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Rather v. Shameem Ahmad Wani under Section 379 of RPC, whereby and whereunder the complaint came to be dismissed and the seized vehicle came to be released in favour of the person from whom same was seized.
(2.)Petitioner/complainant filed a complaint on 10th November, 2005 before learned Chief Judicial Magistrate, Sopore, against the respondent under Section 379 of RPC. It was alleged that complainant is the owner of tractor bearing registration No. JK05/7050. He had gone to Watlab on the tractor along with trolley for collecting ashes and while returning back he saw a maruti car coming from opposite side at Manji Sopore at about 8.30 p.m. in which accused along with 7 other persons were travelling, who came down. He could identify only accused and not other persons who stopped tractor and brought down complainant and forcibly took away the tractor with trolley along with ashes loaded therein. Complainant had prayed in the said complaint that matter be got enquired/investigated in terms of Section 202 of Criminal Procedure Code.
(3.)Preliminary statements of complainant and one witness Mohammad Maqbool came to be recorded and learned Chief Judicial Magistrate passed order dated 10th November, 2005 and directed SHO, Police Station, Sopore to conduct enquiry/investigation in order to ascertain the truth/falsehood of the complaint and deferred issuance of process against the accused.
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