(1.)This appeal has been instituted against the judgment and order dated 08.05.2004 and 12.05.2004 rendered by the Sessions Judge, Sirsa, in
Sessions Case no.19 of 2002/2003 whereby the appellants were charged
with and tried for the offence punishable under Section 302 / 34 Indian Penal
Code (in short ' IPC '). The appellants were convicted thereunder and
sentenced to undergo life imprisonment and to pay a fine of Rs.10000/- and
in default of payment of fine, to further undergo rigorous imprisonment for
a period of one year. Appellant Prem Singh died during the pendency of
appeal. Hence the appeal qua him stood abated.
(2.)The case of the prosecution in a nutshell is that deceased Dayal Singh was a father of PW-11 Malkiat Singh. Dayal Singh had gone to the
fields of Tarlochan Singh for sinking a well on 30.06.2002. He came back to
his house at village Chak Sahiban at about 08.30 P.M. along with accused
Prem Singh. They were under the influence of liqour. The deceased picked
up his bicycle and left the house along with accused Prem Singh informing
that he would come back after some time. But he did not come back. On
01.07.2002 at about 08.30 A.M. PW Bhagwan Singh son of Balbir Singh informed PW Malkiat Singh that the dead body of the deceased was lying in
the fields of Kuldeep Singh near a tubewell. PW Malkiat Singh
accompanied by his younger brother Sukhvinder Singh and mother reached
at the spot. They saw the dead body of the deceased lying in the fields. A
brick was lying near the dead body. Police recorded his statement vide
Ex.PF, on the basis of which formal FIR Ex.PF/2 was recorded. Police
visited the spot. Blood stained brick Ex.P1 was picked up. Police also lifted
blood stained earth and a piece of severed pocket of shirt. The body was
sent for post-mortem. Post-mortem was conducted. The death of deceased
had occurred due to the head injury and its complications. The injuries were
ante mortem in nature. The investigation was completed. Challan was put
up after completing all the codal formalities.
(3.)The prosecution examined a number of witnesses. Statements of the appellants were recorded under Section 313 Cr.P.C. They denied the
case of prosecution. The appellants produced four witnesses in support of
their case. The appellants were convicted and sentenced, as noticed
hereinabove. Hence the appeal.
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