(1.)THIS Writ Petition has been filed challenging the order
dated 30.08.2012 passed by the learned Civil Judge (Senior Division),
Bhuban (hereinafter referred to as 'Election Tribunal') in Election Misc. Case
No.1 of 2012 under Annexure-4, in which the Election Tribunal in the
interest of justice, has allowed the two petitions under Anenxure-2 series
filed by the election petitioner with a direction for examination of two official
witnesses, i.e., Medical Officer, C.H.C., Mathakargola and Anganwadi
Worker Smt. Mantri of Centre No.1 of Village Ekatali and for production of
original documents in their custody as mentioned in the said petitions.
(2.)CASE of the petitioner in a nutshell is that the present writ petitioner is the returned candidate and opposite Party No.1, who is the
election petitioner before the Election Tribunal presented Election Misc. Case
No.1 of 2012 praying therein to declare the election of the writ petitioner void
and to declare her as duly elected candidate to the post of Sarapanch of
Ekatali Grama Panchayat under Bhuban Panchayat Samiti. The ground of
challenge to the election of the returned candidate to the office of Sarapanch,
Ekatali Grama Panchayat is that the petitioner has begotten three children,
namely, Sonalika, Sibani and Subbransusekhar on 02.08.2002, 08.05.2006
and 24.12.2009 respectively, i.e. after the cut off date through her husband
Nandakishore Behrea. In the course of hearing, the election petitioner was
examined as PW-1 and cross-examined. Election Petitioner filed two
petitions, one for summoning the Medical Officer, C.H.C., Mathakargola for
production of document, such as M.C.A. register, JSY card of third child
etc.; and another petition for summoning the Anganwadi Worker of Centre
No.1 of village Ekatali for production of documents which were already
exhibited on being obtained under R.T.I. Act. The writ petitioner filed
objection to those petitions on the ground that relevance of those documents
has not been indicated in terms of Order 7, Rule 14, Civil Procedure Code,
1908 and in view of the deposition of PW-1 in cross-examination to the effect that the documents were prepared on the basis of instruction given by her
husband in the year 2012 i.e. 24.2.2012 examination of witness is not
necessary. It is also stated that the documents vide Ext.1 having been
exhibited, further production of the same is not necessary. Therefore,
learned Election Tribunal is not justified to allow the two petitions filed by
the election petitioner.
Mr. S. Mishra, learned counsel appearing for the petitioner submitted that the Election Tribunal without appreciating materials on
record and the stands taken in the objection petitions in its proper
perspective has erroneously allowed the two petitions filed by the election
petitioner. Relevance of summoning the witnesses and production of
documents has not been indicated in the petitions.
(3.)MR .Mohanty, learned counsel appearing for opposite party No.1 submitted that opposite party No.1 being the petitioner in the election
petition filed the documents obtained under the R.T.I. Act along with the
election petition. After examination of witnesses two petitions were filed by
the election petitioner under Section 37 of the Orissa Grama Panchayats
Act, 1964 (hereinafter referred to as 'GP Act') for summoning witnesses and
production of documents. Pursuant to the impugned order dated
30.08.2012, summonses were issued to the said authorities and on
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