(1.)This appeal filed by Orissa Minerals Development Company Limited, hereinafter referred to as the appellant OMDC, is against a judgment and order dated 17 th August,
2013 passed by the learned Additional District and Sessions Judge, 4 th Court, North 24 Parganas at Barasat, rejecting Misc. Case No. 28 of 2012, being an application filed by the appellant OMDC
under Section 34 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, hereinafter referred to as the 1996
Act, for setting aside of an award dated 2 nd March, 2012 made and published by the sole Arbitrator.
(2.)The appellant OMDC is a Government of India Enterprise, having its registered office at AG 104, Sector 2 (Sourav Avasan), Salt Lake City - 700 091. The appellant OMDC is engaged in mining of
iron ore in different mines in Orissa.
(3.)On or about 18 th September, 2007, the appellant OMDC issued a Tender Notice No. OMDC/49/2007 whereby sealed tenders were invited in prescribed format, from reputed parties
having earth moving equipment, with minimum three years of experience in raising of minerals of
the description specified, for the job of raising and transporting of iron ore at North Iron Section,
Bhadrasai Mines, Roida near Barbil, District Keonjhar (Orissa).