Chakrabarti, J. -
(1.)The case made out in the application for stay filed
in the present appeal is that the appellant entered into an agreement on 7th
May, 1999 with the respondent and the proforma respondents for
development of the suit property. After the plan was sanctioned by the
concerned municipal authorities a supplementary agreement was entered
into by and between the appellant and the respondent on 15th January,
2001. The construction of the building was completed in terms of the said
agreement and possession of the area in the constructed building was
handed over to the respondents in accordance with the agreement.
Necessary payments have been also made by the appellant to the
respondents in terms of the said agreement. When the appellant was
negotiating with the prospective buyers of the balance area of the constructed
building, a proceeding was started before a learned Arbitrator in respect of
which copy of the order passed by the learned Arbitrator and an application
under Section 17 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were served
upon the appellant. The"appellant preferred an appeal being FMAT No. 4156
of 2004 against the said order dated 24th November, 2004 passed by the
learned Arbitrator and an application for stay was also filed in connection
with the said appeal. Ultimately the said appeal was disposed of by this
(2.)Thereafter the respondent No. 1 filed an application under Section
26 of the said Act before the learned Arbitrator praying for appointment of
expert for inspecting the suit premises in terms of the schedule annexed to
the said application. An objection was filed by the appellant to the said
application and thereafter the learned Arbitrator adjourned the hearing of
the said application and made certain queries both from the appellant and
from the claimants/respondents and being aggrieved by the said order dated
8th March, 2005, the present appeal was filed.
(3.)Heard Mr. S. P. Roy Chowdhury, learned Advocate for the
appellant and Mr. B. Mitra, learned Advocate for the respondent No. 1.
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