(1.)Shri Prashant Sharma, Advocate for petitioner.
(2.)This petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India has been filed challenging the order dated 2/12/2009 passed by the Labour
Court No.2, Gwalior in case No.61/A/ I.D. Act /05 Reference, by which
the claim of the petitioner for qaushment of his termination/removal
from service has been rejected.
(3.)The present petition has been filed after nine years of passing of the impugned order. A stand has been taken by the petitioner that as he
was implicated in a criminal case on 20/6/2013, therefore, he was busy
in contesting the trial and ultimately by judgment dated 7/4/2018 he
has been acquitted by the JMFC, Bhind in Criminal Case
No.270/2014 and accordingly, he has filed the present petition.
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