Prakash Shrivastava, J -
(1.)This judgment will govern the disposal of FA Nos. 384/1998, 323/1999, 868/2000, 879/2000, 54/2001, 253/2001, 300/2001, 354/2001, 259/2002, 12/2003, 634/2003, 588/2004, 46/2005, 618/2011 & 694/2011.
(2.)Fa Nos.384/1998, 868/2000, 879/200, 300/2001, 354/2001, 259/2002, 12/2003, 588/2004 & 618/2011 are at the instance of the IDA, whereas FA Nos.323/1999, 54/2001, 253/2001, 634/2003, 46/2005 & 694/2011 are the cross appeals by the claimants. Cross objections have been filed in FA No. 354/01 & FA No. 300/01.
(3.)In FA No.588/2004, Shri A.S. Garg, learned counsel for the respondent/claimant has raised a preliminary objection that the appeal has been filed by the CEO of the IDA and not by the IDA and CEO is not a juristic person, hence in view of the judgment of the Supreme Court in the matter of Chief Conservator of Forests, Govt of A.P. Vs. Collector and others, (2003) 3 SCC 472 (Para 16), the appeal is not maintainable.