(1.)Whether Insurance Company can challenge quantum of compensation under Section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure or under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, is the question for determination in this case. It arises in circumstances being narrated hereinafter.Mahmood Ul Hassan (40-45) was employed with M. P. State Road Transport Corporation, earning Rs. 1400/- per month, apart from allowances and other facilities. While he was going towards crossing from Bus Stand on 18-2-1996, truck No. CPD 8250 driven by Dev Kumar rashly and negligently hit him resulting in his death. The matter was reported at Police Station-Hanumanganj and case under Section 306 of the Indian Penal Code filed in the Court after investigation. Autopsy of the dead body of Mahmood Ul Hassan was conducted on 19-2-1986 at Hamidia Hospital. Dinesh Kumar was owner of the truck while the New India Insurance Co.Limited was Insurer. The claimants preferred a claim for Rs. Four Lacs, since they were dependant on the deceased. Other side admitted taking place of accident, rest of the allegations were denied and the insurance Company alleged that it was not responsible for making payment.
(2.)The Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (for brevity 'Tribunal') found on evidence recorded in the case that the accident was committed on 18-2-1986 at 9.30 p.m. by Truck No. CPD 8250 driven rashly and negligently by driver and the deceased was not responsible for it. It found that in this accident, deceased suffered serious injuries resulting in his death and that the claimants were entitled to claim compensation. Accordingly, compensation of Rs. 1,60,000/- has been awarded with interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of claim till the date of realisation, by award dated 27-3-1998 passed in M.C.C. No. 41/94.
(3.)New India Insurance Co.Limited assailed this award through Civil Revision under Section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure, alleging that the Tribunal acted illegally and in disregard of provisions of law in allowing the compensation with interest at the rate of 12% per annum holding that the deceased was 40 years old and applied multiplier of 10, instead of holding that the deceased was 53 years old as reflected in the salary certificate and the case admitted multiplier of 6 (six) for determination of compensation nor could interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of filing the application for a period of 12 years, be allowed since delay in disposal of case was attributable to the claimants for which the Insurance Company could not be penalised.