R. P. Desai, J. -
(1.)The petitioner is the wife of one Umesh Shetty
("detenu" for convenience), who has been detained
by the 2nd respondent, Principal Secretary (Appeals
and Security), Government of Maharashtra, under the
provisions of the Conservation of Foreign Exchange
and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, 1974
("COFEPOSA Act" for short), with a view to
preventing him in future from smuggling goods. In
this petition, the petitioner has challenged the
said order of detention.
(2.)The order of detention was served on the detenu
when he was in judicial custody. The grounds of
detention indicate that the material placed before
the detaining authority disclosed that two
consignments imported by the detenu were seized by
the DRI Officers on 21/2/06. The relevant bills of
entry showed the goods contained in the
consignments as plastic parts of toys. However,
they contained 4 lakh pieces of Analog Watch
Movements valued at Rs.68 lakhs. It was apparent,
therefore, that the goods were misdeclared.
(3.)On the basis of the material placed before her
the detaining authority was satisfied that the
detenu had engaged in prejudicial activities and
she was satisfied that unless detained he was
likely to continue to engage in similar prejudicial
activities in future also after his release from
custody. In the circumstances she issued the
impugned detention order with a view to preventing
the detenu in future from smuggling goods.
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