(1.)Lal Sahab Mishra has preferred this special appeal challenging order dated 20.11.2009 rendered while considering writ petition No.239 (SS) 1992 titled 'Lal Sahab Mishra vs. State of U.P. and others' Vide the impugned order the writ petition filed by appellant writ petitioner has been dismissed.
(2.)We have heard learned counsel for the appellant and learned counsel for the respondents. With the assistance of learned counsel for the parties we have gone through the contents of the impugned order, as also the pleadings; and the pleadings in the writ petition.
(3.)It appears that the appellant filed the writ petition in challenge to order dated 10.1.1992 vide which services of the petitioner were terminated. Learned Single Judge has taken into account the fact that because the appellant/writ petitioner was appointed merely as a stop gap arrangement till fresh recruitment is made, the writ petitioner would have no right to opportunity of hearing etc. before terminating his services.
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