Decided on March 20,2018

STATE OF U P Respondents


- (1.)The learned Additional District & Sessions Judge, Fast Track Court-3 Jalaun at Orai has convicted all the four appellants of having committed the alleged offence of murder of one Smt. Priti aged about 20 years, the wife of the appellant Ashok Kumar to whom she was married a year ago. The husband his two brothers Pappu and Prabhat as well as their father Om Prakash had been charged under the offences under Section 498-A read with Section 304 B read with Section 3/4 Dowry Prohibition Act initially, but later on after recording the testimony of the witnesses of the prosecution particularly, P.W.1 to P.W.5 and the Court having declared them hostile at the instance of the prosecution, the charges were altered under Section 302/34 IPC, and consequently all the appellants were tried simultaneously in Session Trial No. 254 of 2009 along with Session Trial No. 255 of 2009, arising out of Case Crime No. 390 of 2009 and were finally convicted with life imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 1000/-. In the absence of deposit of fine, the appellants have to undergo further two months imprisonment.
(2.)Aggrieved all the appellants have joined together in this appeal and have prayed for setting aside the conviction and sentence awarded to them by the trial Court as mentioned above mainly canvassing that the deceased had committed suicide being frustrated of her ailment and inability to bear a child.
(3.)The prosecution story in brief is, that information was received at the Police Station through a written report dated 12.07.2009 of Ram Kumar, the village Chaukidar who has been examined as P.W.3 about the incident having occurred at 11:00 am on the same day. On receipt of such information, the Investigation team consisting of the Investigating Officer as well as the constables on duty arrived on the spot whereafter an inquest was carried out which has been exhibited as Ka-9. According to the opinion of the inquest witnesses, the death of Smt. Priti was caused on account of burning. The inquest report gave a description of the status of the site and the burn injuries. The body was sent for post-mortem and a recovery memo was also prepared on the same date which is Exhibit-Ka-14. A site plan was prepared by the Investigating Officer namely the Circle Officer Mr. Arun Sirohi which is dated 16th July, 2009 and was exhibited as Exhibit-Ka-6 on record. The post-mortem was carried out on the next day on 13th July, 2009, and the same is exhibited as Exhibit-Ka-3 on record.

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