(1.)This writ petition has been filed by the petitioner challenging the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal dated 4..4.2013 and the order dated 27.2.2013 passed by the General Manager ordnance Factory, Kanpur.
(2.)The petitioner filed an Original Application in the Central Administrative Tribunal being O.A. No. 1149 of 2010 seeking quashing of the orders dated 7.6.2010 and 30.6.2010 whereby his request for correction of date of birth from 23.2.1953 to 23.2.1955 had been rejected. The said Original Application was disposed of by the Tribunal by its order dated 7.2.2013 with a direction to the competent authority that if the petitioner files a representation annexing all the relevant documents within a period of one week to the competent authority the said authority shall dispose of his representation by a reasoned and speaking order. In pursuance of the said order the petitioner filed his representation before the General Manager Ordnance Factory, Kanpur dated 15.2.2013. This application was considered by the General Manager Ordnance Factory, Kanpur and it was held that the date of birth of the petitioner cannot be altered. Aggrieved by the said order the petitioner filed an Original application No. 381 of 2013 which was dismissed by the Tribunal by order dated 4.4.2013.
(3.)Hence the present writ petition.
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