B.S.Chauhan, J. -
(1.)This appeal under the provisions of Section 260A of the IT Act, 1961 (hereinafter called the Act) has been filed time-barred. There is a delay of 29 days. For the reasons mentioned in the affidavit and after hearing Shri Mahajan learned counsel for the Revenue, we are satisfied that the application for condonation of delay in filing the appeal deserves to be allowed and the delay is condoned.
(2.)This appeal has been filed against the order dt. 26th Feb., 2003, passed by the Tribunal, Delhi Bench 'E', Delhi in Misc. Appeal No. 349/BK/2002, for the asst. yr. 1994-95.
(3.)Facts and circumstances giving rise to this case are that an assessment for the year 1994-95, was made by the assessing authority showing his agricultural income for the year 1994-95 as Rs. 36,04,821. The assessing authority after considering the record estimated the agricultural income of the appellant at Rs. 5 lacs and held that the balance amount to the tune of Rs. 3,14,821 was from undisclosed sources.
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