(1.)Heard Sri Raunak Chaturvedi, learned Amicus Curiae for the appellant Brij Kishor and Sri Rupak Chaubey, learned AGA for the State-respondent.
(2.)The present appeal is directed against the judgment and order dtd. 4/8/1989 passed by the Ist Additional District and Sessions Judge, Gorakhpur in Sessions Trial No. 189 of 1987 whereby two appellants herein namely Jiut and Brij Kishor were convicted for the offence punishable under Sec. 302 readwith Sec. 34 IPC and sentenced for life imprisonment and a fine of Rs.1000.00 each.
(3.)At the outset, we may note that the appellant no. 1 Jiut had died during the pendency of the present appeal and the appeal has been abated on his behalf by the order dtd. 16/7/2019.
Sole surviving appellant is appellant no. 2 namely Brij Kishor who is lodged in the District Jail, Gorakhpur since 21/8/2019 in execution of the non-bailable warrant, as is evident from the report dtd. 31/8/2019 submitted by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Gorakhpur.
We are, therefore, considering this appeal only on behalf of the appellant no. 2 Brij Kishor.
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