(1.)Heard the learned counsel for the revisionist and learned counsel for the Union of India as well as perused the materials available on record.
(2.)This criminal revision under Section 397/401 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter referred to as 'Code') has been filed by the accusedrevisionist for modifying the order dated 7.6.2010, passed by the learned Sessions Judge, Lucknow on his bail application (Criminal Misc. Case No. 1960 of 2010; Makhan Kant Sharma v. Union of India through the Director of Revenue, Intelligence, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow), whereby the learned Sessions Judge while allowing his bail application imposed the first condition in addition to other two conditions that the accused-revisionist shall deposit Rs. 4,00,00,000/- (Rs. Four crore) as difference of Custom Duty alleged to have been evaded by him.
(3.)The relevant facts giving rise to the present revision as borne out for the documents available on record may be summarized as under:-
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