(1.)This Writ Appeal is against the order of the learned single Judge passed
in W.P.(MD)No. 10075 of 2007 dated 28.9.2010 wherein this Court rejected the
Writ Petition as misconceived and bereft of reasons. The order under challenge
before the learned single Judge relates to an order of dismissal from service in
a departmental enquiry on the ground that the appellant had abstained from
attending the office continuously without giving any reason.
(2.)The facts leading to the filing of the Writ Appeal are as follows:-
(i) The appellant herein joined as Office Assistant in the year 1977 in
the respondent Municipality. He was subsequently promoted as a sanitary work
supervisor and the nature of his work is to allot work to several sanitary
workers and to maintain muster roll. Evidently, without even applying for leave
from his higher officials, the appellant herein did not report to duty from
28.1.2004 to 4.3.2004. The Sanitary Inspector submitted a report on 4.3.2004 on
the said fact and based on that, the disciplinary proceedings were initiated by
the Municipality through the Commissioner as per Rule 5(2) of the Regulations
1977 framed under the Tamil Nadu Municipal Public Health Services (Non-
Centralised, Regular) Discipline and Appeals Regulations. The charge memo was
issued to the appellant and the same was received on 7.4.2004. The appellant
was asked to submit an explanation within 15 days from the date of receipt of
charge memo. Admittedly, no explanation was given for the charges.
(ii) The appellant states that he was suffering from Hepatitis B and was
hospitalised from 28.1.2004 to 31.10.2004. He could not move any where. Hence,
he could not apply for the leave. His wife who was illeterate went in person to
the respondent Municipality and informed about the appellant's illness and
requested to grant leave. After recovery from illness on 31.10.2004, he applied
for medical leave from 28.1.2004 to 31.10.2004 along with medical certificate
issued by the Government Hospital and requested the first respondent to allow
him to join duty. However, the petitioner was directed to get the medical
certificate from the medical board and accordingly, appeared before the medical
board. The appellant states that the board recommended that his case be
considered on medical grounds and that he was fit for service. Thereafter, from
1.11.2004 to 5.12.2004, once again he applied for medical leave along with
medical certificate on account of further illness. When he reported to duty on
6.12.2004, he was not allowed to attend work. In the background of this, the
appellant states that the first respondent passed an order on 20.9.2005 removing
him from service on the ground that he abstained from duty without any
authorisation. Aggrieved by the said order, the appellant preferred an appeal
before the second respondent, who once again confirmed the order in proceedings
Na.Ka.No.12808/06/J1 dated 19.9.2007. Aggrieved by this, the present Writ
Petitioner is before this Court.
(3.)On notice, the respondents filed the counter in the Writ Petition
stating that inspite of several opportunities granted to the appellant to appear
in person before the Commissioner to represent his case, the petitioner did not
avail any of his opportunities and hence, an exparte order was passed removing
the appellant from service. It is stated that although the appellant received
the questionnaire on 18.6.2004, and thereafter, ultimately, intimation was given
on 14.9.2004 to appear in person before the Commissioner, the appellant did not
appear. On 3.11.2004, the Commissioner received the letter enclosing
certificate from Dr.K.Rajasekaran from the appellant dated nil sent through
Courier service that he was suffering from jaundice from 28.1.2004 to
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