(1.)HEARD Mr.N.D.Nanavaty, learned Senior Counsel, with Mr.B.M.Mangukiya, learned advocate for the
petitioners, Mr.Prakash Jani, learned Government
Pleader, with Ms.Asmita Patel, learned Assistant
Government Pleader for respondent Nos.1 to 3,
and Mr.C.B.Upadhyaya, learned advocate appearing
for private respondent Nos.4 to 7.
(2.)BY way of this petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the petitioners have
prayed for the following reliefs:
"a. Be pleased to admit this petition, b. Be pleased to issue a writ of mandamus or a writ in the nature of mandamus or any other appropriate writ, order or direction to quash and set aside decision of the respondent No.2 dated July 27, 2012 dissolving Porbandar Municipality, and the consequential order directing respondent No.3 to take over the charge of petitioner No.1 Municipality; c. Pending admission and final disposal of the present petition, be pleased to stay implementation, execution and operation of the impugned order dated July 27, 2012 dissolving Porbandar Municipality and the consequential order directing respondent No.3 to take over the charge of petitioner No.1 Municipality and restrain the respondents, their agents or servants from restraining the petitioners from performing their duties as Councilors and elected office bearers of the Municipality as if no order has been passed; d. Be pleased to pass such other and further orders as may be deemed fit and proper."
The facts which can be culled out from the record of the petition are as under:
(3.)THE petitioners, being the elected members of Porbandar Municipality for short 'the
Municipality' , were served with show cause
notice dated 21.07.2012 as provided under
Section 263 1 of the Gujarat Municipalities
Act, 1963 the Act on 22/23.07.2012 as under
the provisions of Section 76 of the Act the
Municipality was supposed to sanction its budget
before 31st March of every year, however, the
Municipality could not do so, in spite attempts
were made on 12.03.2012, 26.04.2012 and