(1.)The present application has been filed by the applicant - accused, seeking regular bail under
Section 439 of Cr. P.C., in connection with the FIR
being C.R. No.1120209055200067/2020 registered for
the offences punishable under Sections 302 and 201 of
IPC at Vijaynagar Police Station, Sabarkantha.
(2.)It appears that the applicant - accused is the son of the complainant. On 3.2.2020, the complainant
had declared before the Vijaynagar Police Station
that his daughter Asmita aged 17 years 6 months had
committed suicide by jumping into the well. However,
on the postmortem having been carried out at the
Government Hospital, Vijayngar, it was found that she
had died due to "Asphyxia as a result of compression
of neck by ligature" and there were other internal
injuries also found. The complainant, therefore,
having suspected his son i.e. the present applicant
had made inquiry and at that time the applicant had
confessed before the complainant i.e. his father that
the said Asmitaben had a love affair with one Mehul
Amarsinh, and she used to leave the house very often
but the said Mehul was not ready to accept her, which
had caused embarrassment to the applicant - accused
in the society. The applicant, therefore, had taken
his sister i.e. Asmita to Surat 15 days prior to the
alleged incident. He had further confessed that on
31.1.2020 he had come back to Ahmedabad with Asmita at about 5 a.m., on 1.2.2020. Thereafter on 3.2.2020
the applicant had strangulated his sister Asmita with
a rope at about 4 O'clock in the early morning and
had thrown the dead body into the well. The
complainant on the basis of the said confession had
lodged the complaint against his son i.e. the
applicant for the offence punishable under Sections
302 and 201 of IPC.
(3.)Learned Advocate Mr.Sankhesar for the applicant has submitted that the applicant is aged about 22
years and the charge-?sheet is already filed in the
case. According to him there is no valid discovery
or recovery from the applicant. Placing heavy
reliance on the decision in case of Kora Ghasi vs.
State of Orissa , reported in 1983(2) SCC 251, he has
submitted that the retracted confession before the
Magistrate requires corroborative evidence. He has
also placed reliance on the decision of the Supreme
Court in case of Balwinder Singh vs. State of Punjab ,
reported in (1995) SCC Sppl. (4) 259 and in case of
Borgam Rajender vs. State of AP , reported in (2006)
10 SCC 172 to substantiate his contention that the case is based on circumstantial evidence and the
I.O., had failed to collect sufficient evidence to
connect the chain of circumstances, which would lead
to the quilt of the present applicant. Lastly he
also relied upon the decision of the Supreme Court in
case of Sanjay Chandra vs. Central Bureau of
Investigation , reported in 2012(1) SCC 40, wherein
the Supreme Court has laid down the factors to be
considered while granting the regular bail. He also
pointed out that there are discrepancies in the
statements of the complainant before the police and
the allegations made in the complaint.
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