(1.)The petitioner - Shri K. George, Advocate - was a candidate for direct selection as a Munsiff in this State. The Kerala Public Service Commission considered him suitable, allotted him rank No. 13, and recommended his appointment.
(2.)Ext. P. 1 dated 30-10-1961 is the Memorandum issued to the petitioner by the Public Service Commission. It reads as follows:
"Sri K. George is informed that he has been selected for recruitment as Munsiff on Rs. 300-700 per mensem in the Judicial Department. The selection is subject to satisfactory proof of health, and whatever further checking Government may find it necessary to do.
Further instructions will be issued to him in due course by the Department referred to in the paragraph above."
The petitioner, however, was not given an appointment by the State, even though candidates who were ranked lower than him by the Public Service Commission have been appointed and posted as Munsiffs.
(3.)The notification issued by the Public Service Commission inviting applications for recruitment is dated 22-2-1961, and was published in the Kerala Gazette dated 28-2-1961. Paragraph IV of that notification provided that the candidates should satisfy the conditions specified in that paragraph. One of those conditions is that the candidates "should be of such character and antecedents as to qualify them for appointment".
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