(1.)THE petitioner is aggrieved by an order dated 11th January 1993 whereby the learned Additional Rent Controller allowed an eviction petition against the petitioner on the ground of bonafide requirement of the landlord (respondent herein ).
(2.)THE eviction petition was filed by two persons namely Smt. Uganti Devi and Smt. Sheela Devi. The petitioner made both of them as respondents. During the pendency of the petition, one of the respondent Smt. Uganti Devi, respondent no. 2 died on 25th February 1994. The petitioner made no attempt to bring on record the legal representative of deceased respondent No. 2 and the petition was dismissed. On appeal, the Supreme Court restored this revision petition, however, an issue whether the Civil Revision as a whole would abate on death of smt. Uganti Devi for not bringing her Lrs on record was left open by the Hon"ble supreme Court while allowing the SLP of the petitioner. I consider that it would be appropriate to decide this petition on merits.
(3.)THE two landladies had filed an eviction petition contending therein that they were the owners of the premises. Smt. Uganti Devi, the co-owner and her dependent family members had no other reasonable and suitable residential accommodation. Her family included herself, her husband; her unmarried daughter aged about 18 years, 3 unmarried sons, and one married son and his wife and mother-in-law who were living along with her. She along with her family members was staying with her brother in law Shri Narayan in one room divided into three portions with the help of wooden partitions in the factory premises situated at 8744, Gali No. 14b, Karol Bagh and her brother in law and his wife were per force also residing in one room partitioned with the help of wooden ply in the same manner and he required the premises for his own use and had asked the petitioner no. 1 and her family members to vacate the premises. They had no other suitable residential accommodation except the premises in question. She also contended that besides her family members, she had five brothers-in-law and daughters-in-law apart from brothers and sisters and all of them used to visit her on and off and she required guest rooms for the purpose. There was a persistent demand from her brother-in-law to vacate the premises. Hence, the eviction petition.
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