(1.)The present revision petition is filed by the petitioner-tenant under section 25-B of the Delhi Rent Control Act against the impugned order dated 22.11.2010 passed by Additional Rent Controller whereby the application filed by him under Section 25(5) seeking leave to contest the eviction petition filed against him by his landlords, respondents herein, in respect of one shop bearing no. 10274,Library Road, Azad Market, Delhi(hereinafter referred to be as tenanted shop) had been dismissed and consequently eviction order was been passed against him. The relevant averments made in para no.18 (a) of the eviction petition on the basis of which eviction of the petitioner-tenant was sought by the respondents are re-produced below:-
The petitioners are the owners of the shop no. 10274, Library Road, Azad Market, Delhi.
The said premises were let out for commercial purposes and the same is required bonafidely by the petitioners for themselves and for their brother who have no suitable premises to do the business.
The petitioner no.1 is aged 35 years is married having wife and a child, aged about 9 years, school going, and his mother too, petitioner Dheeraj Sahu is married aged about 33 years, is also married having wife and a child aged 7 years. All the family members are dependent on the petitioner for livelihood. One brother Pankaj Sahu; is also dependent on the petitioners. The petitioners have no place to work they have been purchasing and selling the electronic items as squatters having no permanent place to sit, they are facing great hardship for non availability of business place, due to non availability of shop, they are not able to earn sufficient to comfortably feed them. They thus need the shop in question bonafidely for themselves.
(2.)The petitioner-tenant filed an application for leave to contest the eviction petition wherein he had pleaded that the respondents -landlords had concealed material facts and had no bona fide requirement for the tenanted shop and that was evident from the fact that the landlords have been disposing of their other shops and thus their requirement of the tenanted shop was not bona fide.
(3.)The landlords filed a reply to the application for leave to contest wherein they submitted that they required the tenanted shop bona fide for themselves and their brother who had no suitable commercial accommodation to do the business. They further pleaded that they had not concealed any material fact in eviction petition and that the other portions sold by them earlier were not commercial in nature.
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