(1.)Petitioner, by this review application, seeks review/recall of order dated 15.9.1997, by which the civil revision petition No.1041/96 and CM.4493/96 were disposed of. Pleadings in the review application were completed and case was adjourned from time to time to enable the parties to explore the feasibility of settlement, which did not fructify. Parties filed written synopsis and were also heard on 25.1.2002 and order was reserved.
(2.)Before considering the grounds on which the review of the order dated 15.9.1997, is sought, the factual matrix, as recorded in the impugned order, disposing of the civil revision, may be briefly noted:-
(3.)Petitioner,an advocate, is the landlord, who had filed the present civil revision petition against an order dated 8.10.1996, by which the suit filed by the petitioner under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act for wrongful dis-possession had been dismissed by the Civil Judge. The petitioner landlord had earlier filed an eviction petition under Section 14(l)(a) of the Delhi Rent Control Act, (hereinafter referred to as DRC Act), which was disposed of on 23.7.1987, giving the benefit of Section 14(2)of the DRC Act to the tenant. The tenant/respondent defaulted in payment of rent. Petitioner filed an eviction petition, culminating in an order of eviction being passed. Petitioner filed an execution application bearing No.61/92 and claims to have obtained possession in pursuance to the decree , through the bailiff on 7.12.1992. Petitioner claims that respondent forcibly dis-possessed him by breaking looks, which led the petitioner to file the suit for wrongful dis-possession under Section 6 of the Specific Relief Act. The Civil Judge after recording evidence dismissed the said suit, which led to the filing of the present revision petition.
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