(1.)W .P.(S) Nos.2663, 3608, 3630, 3977 and 2795 of 2012, involve the same question of law and common facts and, as such, they are
being disposed of by this common order.
(2.)BY these petitions, the petitioners seek quashing of the select list prepared for recruitment on various posts, pursuant to the
advertisement dated 20-9-2008 issued by the Chhattisgarh Public
Service Commission (for short "the PSC").
According to the learned counsel appearing for the petitioners, there were several questions in General Studies (Set-A), Public
Administration (Paper-I & II), General English & Hindi, Sociology
(Paper-I & II), Law (Paper-I & II), etc. subjects, wherein the model
answers published by the PSC, against the question papers, were
not correct and also the objections raised by the students, as
provided under the scheme were not taken into consideration. The
result of the main examination was declared on 6-7-2012. Learned
counsel would further submit that the candidates who had given
wrong answers on the basis wrong model answers, were awarded
marks and the petitioners as well as other similarly situated
candidates who had given proper answers to the questions have
not been granted proper marks. Thus, these petitions.
(3.)ON the other hand, Dr. Shukla, learned senior counsel appearing with Ms. A. Sen Gupta & Shri B.D. Guru, Advocates for the PSC
and Shri Thakur, learned Dy. Adv. General appearing for the State,
would submit that all the answers were settled by the experts of the
respective subjects. The objections raised by the petitioner and
other similarly situated candidates were also placed before the
experts, who had examined the same and the answers, which were
found to be defective, the questions in respect of that have been
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