(1.)This application is through Jail moved for bail granted by the Sessions Judge.
(2.)The point for consideration is this application is whether the learned Sessions Judge while releasing the petitioner on bail by exercising power under S. 439, Cr. P.C. was right in insisting that the petitioner shall apart from executing a personal bond in a sum of Rs. 5,000/- with other conditions shall also deposit a cash surety of Rs. 750/- in each case.
(3.)A complaint was lodged against the petitioner by the Girinagar Police, Bangalore in C.C. Nos. 619, 713, 716, 717, 718, 994 and 996 of 1988 and 2145 and 2146 of 1990 on the file of the IX Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Bangalore for the offence punishable under S. 379, I.P.C. in all the cases.
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