D. P. Mohapatra, J. -
(1.)These two cases are inter-linked with each other. Both the cases have been filed by the same person Shri Umapati Choudhary. While Civil Appeal No. 336 of 1993 is directed against the judgment and order dated 17-12-1991 of the Patna High Court in C. W. J. C. No. 6054 of 1991, in Writ Petition (C) No. 667 of 1992 the petitioner has sought quashing of the orders dated 17-3-1992, 20-3-1992 and 21-3-1992 filed as Annexures 11, 12 and 13 respectively of the writ petition which appear to have been passed on the basis of the judgment dated 17-12-1991 in C. W. J. C. No. 6054 of 1991.
(2.)The controversy raised in the case relates to the question whether the appellant should be treated as a permanent employee of the Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board (for short 'the Board') or he was on deputation to the Board from Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University (for short 'the University). The High Court having held that the appellant could not claim to be a permanent employee of the Board and his service as Controller of Examinations of the Board having been terminated on that basis, he has filed the two cases.
(3.)The factual matrix relevant for appreciating the controversy may be stated thus:
The Board was constituted under the Bihar Sanskrit Education Board Act, 1981 (Act No. 31 of 1982) and it was vested with the power to direct, supervise and control Sanskrit education up to Madhyama standard in the State of Bihar. The Chairman of the Board made a request to the University to depute a competent and experienced person to conduct and control the examinations conducted by the Board vide his letter No. 21/15 dated 29-7-1981. The Registrar of the University by his letter No. 8105/89 dated 14-8-1981 (Annexure-2 to the S. L. P.) communicated the decision of the University granting permission for the appellant who was then a lecturer in Post Graduate department of the University to be deputed as Controller of Examinations of the board until further orders. The Government of Bihar in the Department of Education by Notification dated 17-9-1982 (Annexure-3) authorised the appellant to discharge all duties and responsibilities of the Controller of Examinations of the Board and made the order effective from the first day of deputation. It appears from the letter of the State Government to the Accountant General, Bihar dated 16th June, 1983 (Annexure-4) that the post of Assistant Registrar (Sanskrit Education) which was created in the Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Parishad on being transferred to the Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board was re-designated as Controller of Examinations. Thereafter the question of confirmation of the appellant on the post of Controller of Examinations was taken up by the Board and by the letter dated 15-9-1983 (Annexure-5) the Chairman of the board wrote to the State Government recommending his confirmation. It appears from the said letter that the Board took the decision appreciating the efficiency and hard work put in by the appellant as Controller of Examinations took the decision for his confirmation. In the letter dated 20-4-1985 (Annexure-7) of the Registrar of the University addressed to the Chairman of the Board consent of the University for permanent absorption of the appellant on the post of Controller of Examinations of the Board was communicated. Thereafter, by the Notification dated 10th November, 1986 (Annexure-8) issued by the Department of Education of the Government of Bihar the appellant was appointed as Controller of Examinations under the Board on the pay scale of Rs. 1000-1820/- from the date of issue of the Notification till further orders.
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