(1.)Hindalco Industries Ltd., aggrieved by the judgment and order dated 20.01.2000 of the High Court of Bombay in L.P.A. No. 58 of 1999 confirming the order of the Industrial Court accepting the case of the Association of Engineering Workers' Union, has filed the above appeal.
(2.)The respondent herein namely, Association of Engineering Workers' Union (hereinafter referred to as "the Union") filed a complaint of unfair labour practice under Item 9 of Schedule IV of the Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act, 1971 (hereinafter referred to as "the MRTU and PULP Act, 1971") against Hindalco Industries Ltd. - appellant herein (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") before the Industrial Court at Thane. According to the Union, the complainant is a trade union recognized as a representative union of the appellant- company. The Company has engaged employees in unfair labour practices on and from 1971 on a continuous basis from month to month, therefore, the period of limitation is not applicable. However, as a measure of abundant precaution, the Union has filed a separate application for condonation of delay. The Company has engaged about 500 workmen in the manufacture of aluminium and aluminium products. The complainant-Union (respondent herein) is a recognized Union for the establishment of the appellant-Company. In terms of Section 46 of the Factories Act, 1948 , the Company is duty bound to maintain a canteen for the benefits of workmen working in an establishment. Accordingly, the Company is maintaining a Canteen at its Kalwa establishment. In order to avoid giving the workmen working in the canteen, permanency and benefits which are applicable to permanent workmen of the Company, the Company is illegally treating the workmen working the canteen as contract workmen. It is the specific case of the complainant-Union that the contract is sham and is a mere arrangement made for the purpose of avoiding permanency and giving wages and benefits as are applicable to permanent workmen of the company.
(3.)On the date of filing of the complaint, out of 27 workmen who have worked for various periods, 23 workmen have worked for more than ten years continuously the maximum being for 25 years. The remaining four workmen have also worked for more than 3 = years and as such are permanent workmen of the Company. The Company has been making arrangement showing on papers that the contract is being given to someone or the other whereas in fact, the canteen is engaged and run by the Company itself. It is, therefore, the case of the Union that 27 workmen whose names are mentioned in the complaint are, in fact, the workmen of the Company. As per the various decisions of this Court, the workmen who are working in the statutory canteen are treated as workmen of the principal employer. On the same analogy, all the 27 workmen are workers of the Company.
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