(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)Challenge in this appeal is to the legality of judgment
rendered by a learned Single Judge of the Madas High Court
allowing the transfer petition filed by the respondent in terms
of Section 24 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (in short the
'CPC'). By the transfer petition the respondent had sought for
transfer of IDOP No.46 of 2003 pending in the Court of District
Judge, Kanyakumari at Nagercoil to the Court of Family
Judge, Chennai. The High Court accepted the prayer.
(3.)Learned counsel for the appellant submitted that
between the parties there was an earlier proceeding which
came before this Court in Y. Abraham Ajith and Ors. v.
Inspector of Police, Chennai and Anr. (2004 (8) SCC 100). It is
submitted that in view of what has been stated in the said
case the impugned order cannot be maintained. Learned
counsel for the respondent on the other hand supported the
order of the High Court.
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