(1.)Leave granted.
(2.)It is a very unfortunate litigation where students competing to get admission in medical and other professional courses have to litigate amongst themselves. None of the students can, however, be blamed for the litigation commenced in the High Court and which has come up to this Court by way of the present petitions as also the earlier petitions filed by Guru Nanak Dev University (for short "the appellant University") challenging the interim orders that had been passed by the High Court. If anyone is responsible for the present state of affairs, it is the appellant University alone.
(3.)The Punjab Medical Entrance Test was conducted by the appellant University on 30.6.2005. About 10,000 students appeared in the said test. The results were declared on 2.7.2005. There were 200 questions in the objective form 50 each for Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. There were multi-choice answers; four options were available to the students. They had to opt for one correct answer from A to D.
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