(1.)The present writ petition has been preferred against an order of dismissal of the petitioner from service and alleged illegalities in the procedure leading to such dismissal.
(2.)A Charge-Sheet was issued on February 26, 2004 against the petitioner on the basis of an allegation that the petitioner had unduly enriched himself by drawing salary of an excess scale by forging the signature on a Government Order dated April 16, 1999.
(3.)Learned counsel for the petitioner, by placing reliance on UCO Bank and others Vs. Rajendra Shankar Shukla, reported at (2018) 14 SCC 92, argues that the petitioner was prejudiced in formulating his defence due to the delay of about five years in filing of the Charge-Sheet after the alleged act of forgery. Learned counsel submits that such a prolonged delay went unexplained before all the forums below.
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