(1.)The petitioner was a student of a college affiliated to the University of Burdwan pursuing BA Hons. three-year degree course, under 1+1+1 pattern. She appeared in BA Part-I Hons. examination 2017 and failed to obtain qualifying marks in BNGG. She appeared in the BA Part-II Hons. examination 2018 and cleared the same. According to her, she could not appear in the unclear Part-I BNGG paper in 2018 due to her illness. She thereafter appeared and cleared the BA Part-III Hons. examination 2019, but again she failed to appear in the backlog BNGG paper Part-I.
(2.)The petitioner made a representation before the University praying for a direction to allow her to appear in the unclear Part-I examination. As the representation of the petitioner was not considered, she approached this Court by filing a writ petition being WPA 10436 of 2020 which stood disposed of by an order dated 21st January, 2021 whereby the Court directed the Controller of Examinations, University of Burdwan to consider the petitioner 's representation and pass a reasoned order after giving an opportunity of hearing to the petitioner and allow her to produce necessary documents in her support. The order of the Court was duly complied and the reasoned order was communicated to her.
(3.)The reasoned order dated 31st March, 2021 rejecting the prayer of the petitioner is impugned in the present writ petition.
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