(1.)These revisions are filed by the Anakapalle Agricultural
Market Committee, Anakapalli, against the acquittal of the accused by
the 1st, Addl. Sessions Judge, Visakhapatnam. The accused are
licensees under the Andhra Pradesh (Agricultural Produce and Livestock)
Markets Act, 1966. The Market Committee issued a notice
to the accused calling upon them for production of accounts and records for
assessment of the market fee under bye-law 44(5). The
accused did not produce them inspite of repeated demands. Therefore,
a complaint was filed against the accused for violating bye-law 44(5)
of the Bye-Laws of the Agricultural Market Committee, Anakapalli.
The learned First Additional Sessions Judge, Visakhapatnam acquitted
the accused on the ground that Bye-Laws framed by the Agricultural
Market Committee have not come into force for they were not published
in Telugu in Anahra Pradesh Gazette.
(2.)In these revisions it is submitted by Sri Reddi Panthulu, the
learned counsel for the Market Comrnittee, that puhlication of the
Bye-Laws ir Telugu in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette is rot mandatory
but only directory and, therefore, the order of the learned Sessions
Judge is not correct.
(3.)The complaint against the accused is that they have contravened
Bye-Law 44(5) and, therefore, they are liable to be punished
under Bye-Law 45,
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