M.S. Ramachandra Rao, J. -
(1.)This Civil Revision Petition is filed challenging the order Dt. 23 -09 -2011 in I.A. No. 1115 of 2010 in O.P. No. 750 of 2009 of the Judge, Family Court at Hyderabad. The petitioner is husband of respondent. The respondent had given birth to a female child on 03 -12 -2008. He filed the O.P. seeking dissolution of their marriage on the ground of cruelty and also on the ground that respondent had committed adultery.
(2.)Pending O.P., the petitioner filed I.A. No. 1115 of 2010 before the Family Court to direct the petitioner, respondent and the child to undergo a D.N.A. Test at Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad by giving blood samples for conducting scientific investigation so as to decide the paternity of the child and to submit a report.
(3.)In the affidavit filed in support of this application, the petitioner contended that ever since they got married, the respondent was reluctant to consummate the marriage, that she had been indifferent and had not evinced any interest to cohabit with him. According to him, when questioned, she replied that she did not like him on account of their difference in age and also on account of the fact that the petitioner was not looking smart and was having a bald head. He alleged that she also disclosed to him that her parents had forced her to marry the petitioner and so she did not want to cohabit with him. According to petitioner, in June, 2008 the respondent became pregnant and he was surprised about this fact because there was no cohabitation between himself and respondent. He alleged that respondent threatened him and then went away to her parents' house in October, 2008. He alleged that a person, who was neighbour of respondent's parents' house, was coming to petitioner's house during his absence in the afternoon to meet the respondent and she was spending more time with him. He therefore alleged that there was an illegal, immoral and adulterous relationship between the respondent and the said person, and to enable him to establish the said fact, a DNA Test is necessary.
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