Decided on December 31,2015

E. SHANKAR Appellant
Apsrtc And Ors. Respondents


Akula Venkata Sesha Sai, J. - (1.)This writ petition, filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, challenges the order of removal of the petitioner passed by the Depot Manager, Dhone - 4th respondent herein vide proceedings No. P1/1(103)/2005 -Dhone, dated 27 -11 -2006 as confirmed by the appellate and reviewing authorities vide proceedings No. Steno/19(13)/2010 -Dy. CTM, dated 09 -03 -2010 and proceedings No. PA/19(245)/2010 -RM -Q, dated 09 -06 -2010 respectively. Heard Sri S.M. Subhan, learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel for A.P.S.R.T.C. for respondents, apart from perusing the material available before this Court.
(2.)The petitioner herein was initially appointed as Driver on 01 -07 -1999 and while he was working at A.P.S.R.T.C., Dhone Depot he was absent from duties during the period from 01 -08 -2006 to 07 -08 -2006. According to the petitioner, he suffered illness during the said period and he submitted medical certificate also. The Depot Manager followed by the framing of charges against the petitioner for the said un -authorized absence vide proceedings No. P1/1(103)/05 -Dhone, dated 27 -11 -2006 dispensed with the services of the petitioner. As against the said orders passed by the Depot Manager, the petitioner preferred an appeal before the Deputy Chief Traffic Manager, Kurnool - 3rd respondent herein and the said appeal was rejected as time barred and felt aggrieved by the same the petitioner herein also exhausted the remedy of review to the Regional Manager, Kurnool - 2nd respondent herein and the said review also ended in rejection vide proceedings No. PA/19(245)/2010 -RM -Q, dated 09 -06 -2010.
(3.)Assailing the validity of the above said order passed by the primary authority as confirmed by the appellate and reviewing authorities, the present Writ Petition came to be filed.

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