(1.)This Civil Revision Petition is filed questioning the order
dated 26.09.2014 in C.M.A.No.5 of 2011 passed by the
Principal District Judge at Nalgonda.
(2.)The facts in brief are that the petitioners are the defendants in O.S.No.9 of 2004 on the file of Junior Civil
Judge Court, Nalgonda. Respondents/plaintiffs filed the suit
seeking permanent injunction against the petitioners with
respect to the land in Sy.No.216 of Mada Yedavelli village,
Narketpally Mandal, Nalgonda District over an extent of Ac.1 -
23 gts., The said suit was decreed ex parte on 28.07.2004. Therefore the petitioners filed I.A.No.246 of 2008 in O.S.No. 9
of 2004, on 28.12.2006, under Order IX Rule 13 CPC read
with 151 Code of Civil Procedure read with Article 123 read
with Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963 seeking setting
aside of the ex parte order. It is stated in the affidavit filed in
support of the I.A., that the suit summons were not received
by them and as such they could not contest the suit and
decreeing of the suit ex parte came to their knowledge only on
20.12.2006 and as such the petition is filed seeking to set aside the ex parte decree within 30 days from the date of
knowledge of the ex parte decree. The said I.A. was resisted
by the respondents -plaintiffs specifically denying the
averments that the petitioners have not received any
summons from the Court. The Court below after considering
the record dismissed the I.A. The Order in I.A.No.246 of 2008
in O.S.No.9 of 2004 is carried in appeal before the Principal
District Judge at Nalgonda in C.M.A. No.5 of 2011 and the
same also came to be dismissed. Hence, the Civil Revision
(3.)Sri Rajamalla Reddy, learned counsel appearing for the petitioners passionately pleads that the petitioners are the
original owners of the land, over which the respondents have
obtained ex parte decree, having purchased the same through
registered sale deeds in 1982, 1989 and 1996 over an extent
of total Ac.2 -19 guntas. Merely because the suit was decreed
ex parte without service of notice on the deponents, inasmuch
as the petitioners are original owners and are in possession of
the suit schedule land, the Courts below in refusing to set
aside the ex parte decree caused great injury to the rightful
owners. The learned counsel for the petitioners seeks
indulgence of the Court stating that no prejudice as such
would be caused if the ex parte decree is set aside and the
trial Court is directed to try the suit after taking into
consideration of the material and evidence that may be placed
by the respective parties. Learned counsel for the petitioners
offers to compensate by way of costs to the respondents -
plaintiffs. Learned counsel for the petitioners also placed
reliance on the judgment of the Supreme Court in Nahar
Enterprises Vs. Hyderabad Allwyn Ltd., and Another .
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