(1.)Sri Nemani Venkateswarulu, learned counsel, representing Ms. T.V. Sridevi, learned counsel for the
revision petitioners, was heard on the previous day of
hearing and there is no representation for the respondents/
plaintiffs on that day. Even today, there is no
representation for the respondents. Sri Nemani
Venkateswarulu, learned counsel, representing learned
counsel for the revision petitioners, is present.
(2.)This revision petition is filed under Article 227 of the Constitution of India against the orders, dtd. 7/12/2017
passed in I.A.No.682 of 2017 in O.S.No.42 of 2010 on the
file of the Court of the Senior Civil Judge, Chodavaram.
(3.)The petition in I.A.No.682 of 2017 was filed by both the plaintiffs under Order 23 Rule 1 read with Sec. 151
CPC by the first plaintiff seeking permission to withdraw
the suit, with a liberty to file a fresh suit, if necessary. The
same has been allowed after hearing both the parties.
Aggrieved by the same, the present revision petition is filed.
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