(1.)Petitioner is a Judicial Officer having retired as I Additional District Judge, Vizianagaram, Vizianagaram District. She has
preferred this writ petition challenging the order ROC No.598/2021-B.
Special dtd. 4/5/2022, informing her that she would be attaining
the age of superannuation of 60 years as on 31/5/2022, based on
G.O.Rt.No.228, Law (L.A & J - SC.F) Department dtd. 16/8/2021,
through which a list of District and Sessions Judges, Senior Civil
Judges and Junior Civil Judges, who would be retiring in the calendar
year 2022 on attaining the age of superannuation of 60 years, was
(2.)Petitioner joined service as Junior Civil Judge on 1/6/1995; promoted as Senior Civil Judge in February 2008 and thereafter as
District and Sessions Judge in March 2016. Undisputedly, her service
is governed by Andhra Pradesh State Judicial Service Rules, 2007
("Rules 2007" for brevity), which were issued vide G.O.Ms.No.119
Law (L.A & J - SC.F) Department dtd. 2/8/2008; however, they
came into force with effect from 1/1/2007. These Rules were
framed by the Governor of Andhra Pradesh in consultation with the
High Court of Andhra Pradesh under Articles 233, 234, 235, 237 read
with proviso to Article 309 and proviso to clause (3) of Article 320 of
the Constitution of India.
(3.)The State of Andhra Pradesh enacted Act 4 of 2014, called as the Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of Age of
Superannuation) (Amendment) Act, 2014, amending the Andhra
Pradesh Public Employment (Regulation of age of Superannuation)
Act, 1984 and enhancing the age of superannuation from 58 to 60
years. Accordingly, the Government employees working in the State
of Andhra Pradesh continued upto the age of 60 years. The State of
Andhra Pradesh, again, promulgated Ordinance No.1 of 2022 on
30/1/2022 under Clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, which came into force with effect from 1/1/2022. By this
Ordinance, it was decided to enhance the current age of
superannuation of 60 years to 62 years for all the State Government
employees with effect from 1/1/2022. The 1st respondent has also
adopted the Ordinance for applying the same to the employees of the
Subordinate Judiciary of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
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