(1.)This revision petition, under Article 227 of the Constitution of India, is preferred against the order, dtd. 25/11/2021, dismissing
the petition in I.A.No.231 of 2020 in I.A.No.586 of 2018 in
O.S.No.49 of 2015 on the file of the Court of II Additional District
Judge, Hindupur, filed under Order XXVI Rule 9 CPC to direct the
advocate commissioner who was already appointed in I.A.No.586 of
2018 to revisit the petition schedule property to note down whether the properties in Sy.Nos.74-2, 75-3, 75-5 and 75-2 forms a single
plot or not, with the assistance of the Mandal Surveyor, Lepakshi,
with reference to FMB sketch and to file report.
(2.)Heard Sri P. Narahari Babu, learned counsel for the revision petitionerplaintiff and Sri Marri Venkata Ramana, learned counsel
for the respondentdefendant. The revision petitioner is the
petitionerplaintiff and the respondent herein is the respondent
(3.)The petitioner filed the suit for declaration of the right, title and possession over the suit schedule property and for
consequential relief of perpetual injunction against the defendant,
his men etc., from interfering with the possession and enjoyment of
the plaintiff over the following plaint schedule property.
"Property situated in RD and SRO of Hindupur within Pulimithi villge polam and panchayat area Lepakshi Mandal Govt. Dry Sy.No.75-5 Extent Ac.1.84 cents bounded by East Land in Sy.No.78 West land in Sy.No.75-3 and 75-2 North Land in sy.No.74 South Hindupur-Pulimithi Road and Sy.No.75-4 in which a bore-well and accessories thereon and 50 coconut trees, 40 mango trees, 10 tamarind trees, 100 teak trees and 100 silver Oke trees are in existence in the suit schedule property."
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