Decided on July 16,2008



- (1.)VINOD Prasad, J. Heard learned Counsel for the applicants and the learned A. G. A.
(2.)THE applicants, through the present application under Section 482, Cr. P. C. have invoked the inherent jurisdiction of this Court with the prayer that the pro ceeding of Criminal Case No. 1672 of 2007, State v. Pankaj @ Golu and another, pending in the Court of A. C. J. M. , Court No. 3, Allahabad, under Sections 363, 366, 368 and 376, IPC, Case Crime No. 90 of 2007, P. S. Cantl, District Allahabad be quashed.
Respondent No. 2 Ram Sajeevan, who is the father of the alleged abductee Divya and applicant No. 1 Pankaj @ Golu are personally present before this Court. It was informed on the last occasion that the parties have entered into a compromise and the informant does not want to prosecute the applicants. It was also informed that abductee Divya has married with applicant No. 1 Pankaj @ Golu and she has living as a legally wedded wife.

Today when respondent No. 2 Ram Sajeevan appeared before this Court, he also made a request that in the interest of justice proceeding of Criminal Case No. 1672 of 2007 be quashed as he does not want to prosecute applicant No. 1 Pankaj @ Golu, who is now husband of his daughter, as well as applicant No. 2 Basmati Devi for the aforesaid offences. He further stated that he has got no grievance in respect of the marriage, which has been solemnized by Divya and Pankaj @ Golu. In this respect respondent No. 2 Ram Sajeevan has penned down his statement in open Court in own handwriting and signed it verifying its correctness. The said written statement of the informant respondent No. 2 is taken on record of this Criminal Miscellaneous Application.

(3.)AFTER hearing learned AGA and looking into the relationship and the prayer made by the respondent No. 2 Ram Sajeevan, who is the aggrieved person, lam of the opinion that in the interest of justice, it will be a wastage of time to allow the prosecution of Case No. 1672 of 2007 State v. Pankaj @ Golu and another, pending in the Court of A. C. J. M. , Court No. 3, Allahabad, under Sections 363, 366, 368 and 376, IPC, Case Crime No. 90 of 2007, P. S. Cantl, District Allahabad to go on as that will only amount to harassment of the parties and wastage of the time of the Court.
In such a view, I quash the proceedings of Criminal Case No. 1672 of 2007, State v. Pankaj @ Golu and another, pending in the Court of A. C. J. M. , Court No. 3, Allahabad, under Sections 363, 366, 368 and 376, IPC, Case Crime No. 90 of 2007, P. S. Cantt. , District Allahabad. This application is allowed. .

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