(1.)HEARD Counsel for the parties. The petitioner had given a notice dated 10. 8. 2005 for 'atmdah' for not considering his grievances which have not been considered by the Officials which he had communicated to the Officials, including some persons grievances also. He thereafter, withdrew his aforesaid notice of 'atmdah' within a week vide letter dated 18. 8. 2005.
(2.)PURSUANT to the notice of "atmdah" dated 10. 8. 2005 an enquiry was initiated against the petitioner and a charge-sheet was given to him under covering letter dated 21. 9. 2005. Subsequently, enquiry repdrt was also submitted by the Enquiry Officer. On the basis of the aforesaid enquiry report, a show cause dated 18. 2. 2006 was served on the petitioner without appending therewith copy of the enquiry report.
(3.)THE petitioner submitted his reply to the show cause dated 18. 2. 2006, however by an order dated 28. 4. 2006 he was dismissed from service by the Service Manager Regional Workshop, U. P. S. R. T. C. , Allahabad. The petitioner preferred an appeal before the Regional Manager, respondent No. 2 Which was rejected vide order dated 18. 5. 2006. Aggrieved by the order, the petitioner preferred a Revision before the respondent No. 2 affirming the dismissal order of the petitioner by his order dated 28th October, 2006.
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