Arun Tandon, J. -
(1.)Heard Sri Sri Ashok Khare, Senior Advocate, Assisted by Sri Rajesh Rai and Sri S.D. Shukla, Advocates, on behalf of petitioners, Sri Sashi Nandan, Senior Advocate assisted by Sri R.K. Ojha, Advocate on behalf of respondent No. 6 and learned Standing Counsel on behalf of respondent Nos. 1 to 5.
(2.)Parties have exchanged their affidavits and agree that the present writ petition may be disposed of finally at the admission stage itself.
(3.)Dispute arose between two societies, namely, Hari Shyam Khadi Gram Udyog Sowa Sabha Malak Harhar, Allahabad (registered in the year 1968) and Hari Shyam Khadi Gram Udyog Sewa Samiti, Malak Harhar, Allahabad (registered in the year 1978), qua the right to manage the institution established in the name and style of "Uttar Pradeshiya Balika Vidyalaya Junior High School, Malak Harhar, Allahabad. The controversy was subject matter of Civil Misc. Writ Petition No. 5368 of 1981 decided on 13th Jan., 1988. The Court required the Basic Shiksha Adhikari to examine the matter in light of the direction contained in the order of the Court.
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