(1.)HEARD Sri Anoop Trivedi, learned counsel for the applicants, Sri Y.S. Bohra
Advocate for the opposite party no. 2 and
learned A.G.A, for the State.
(2.)THIS is transfer application for transferring the Sessions Trial No. 1144
of 2001, arising out of case Crime No.
493 of 1999, under Sections 147, 148, 149, 302 I.P.C., State Vs. Kali Charan and others to some other adjoining district.
The submission is that two persons namely Jagpal son of Desh Raj,
and Satyapal son of Jagpal have lost their
life. The case was committed to the court
of Sessions. It appears that both the
parties have a long standing enmity.
Another first information report was
lodged on 3.11.2000 by Chandra Pal
against the applicant Kali Charan and
Pappu alias Autar at Police Station
Sikandrabad at case crime No. 666 of
2000 under Section 302 I.P.C. The brother of first informant Jagpal was
murdered. Another first information
report was lodged by Ravindri wife of Jai
Singh against Suman, Bitto, Harendra,
Ravindra, Chandra Pal and Narendra on
the same day i.e. 3.11.2000, which was
registered as cross case at case crime No.
666A of 2000, in which four persons namely Rajviri wife of applicant Kali
Charan, Smt. Sundari wife of Pappu alias
Autar and two children of Smt. Sundari
namely Kartik aged about 2 years and
Laxmi aged about 4 years were murdered.
An application was moved by the
complainant for change of investigation
regarding case crime No. 666 of 2000
since the statements of the witnesses were
not being recorded by the Investigating
Officer. A transfer application was moved
at the instance of the applicants, which
was numbered as Transfer Application
No. 359 of 2002-Kali Charan and another
Vs. State of U.P. which was disposed of
by this Court. The Court while disposing
of the transfer application observed that
there is great animosity between the two
parties, consequently adequate protection
may be given to the parties till the
conclusion of the trial. When the trial was
fixed on 20.5.2006, the applicant no. 2
while going to attend the case, the
opposite party, no. 2 opened fire upon
him causing injuries. A first information
report was registered under Section 307 I.
P.C. at case crime No. 143 of 2006. A
copy of the first information report is
annexed as Annexure-14 to the affidavit
filed in support of the transfer application.
The applicant no. 2 Autar alias Pappu was
medical1y examined on 20.5.2006 in
B.B.D.G. Hospital, Bulandshahar. A copy
of the order sheet of the said date is
annexed as Annexure-l 8 to the affidavit,
to show that the applicants were not
provided any security and they are not
able to attend the court on the date fixed
in the trial. As a consequence, non
bailable warrant has been issued against
them and the trial is proceeding.
(3.)SRI Anoop Trivedi has filed Criminal Misc. Application against the
order issuing non bailable warrant to keep
the non bailable warrant in abeyance and
not to compel their attendance in the court
till the stage of Section 313 Cr.P.C.
Annexure-2 to the Misc. Application is an
order dated 18.7.2006 passed by this
Court in the present transfer application
permitting the accused not to appear
personally before the trial court on the
date fixed. Thereafter another order was
passed on 11.8.2006. The Senior
Superintendent Of Police, Bulandshahar
was directed to file an affidavit in reply to
the averments made in the affidavit filed
in support of the transfer, application
fixing 4.9.2006. It is averred in the
affidavit filed in support of the Misc.
Application dated 24.1.2007 that though
the court below was apprised about the
order of this Court despite the fact that the
applicants were not required to be present
in the court, order has been passed on
29.8.2006 on different time at short intervals. One order was passed prior to
12 Noon, subsequent order was passed at 12 O'clock then again at 2.30 and last order at 3 0' clock issuing notices to the
sureties and also initiating proceedings
under Section 446 Cr.P.C.
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