Decided on January 22,2007



- (1.)VINOD Prasad, J. The revisionist is aggrieved by an order- dated 19-10-2006 passed S. D. Paliwal, Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah (in special Case No. 33 of 2004) discharging the opposite parties No. 2 to 10 for offences under Sections 363, 366, 376, 120-B and 364-A, I. P. C. in crime No. 357 of 2003, Police Station Kotwali, District Etawah.
(2.)I have heard Sri Manish Tiwari, learned Counsel for the revisionist as well as learned Government Advocate and have gone through the impugned order dated 19-10-2006.
Under the Code of Criminal Procedure there are various stages for scanning of evidence. Every stage is limited within the periphery of the section and gives power to the Court to scan the evidence within the ambit of that section. At the stage of Section 204 Cr. P. C. only a prima facie case is to be seen and no further. At the stage of Section 209 Cr. P. C. (in cases where the offences are triable of Court of Sessions, as the present case is one where the offences were triable by Court of Sessions) only this much is to be seen as to whether any offence triable by Court of Sessions is made out or not. Once the Magistrate is of the opinion that any offence triable by Court of Sessions is disclosed, he has no option but to commit the case to the Court of Sessions, after complying with the provisions of Section 207 or Section 208 Cr. P. C. as the case may be, which requires that the Magistrate will furnish a copy of the documents required in those Sections to the accused. Under Section 209 Cr. P. C. the Magistrate is further required to commit the accused to custody during, and until the conclusion of the trial. I do not mean to say that at the stage of Section 209 Cr. P. C. the Magistrate is required to act as a 'post office' but he is to scan the material before him (case diary or statements under Sections 200 and 202 Cr. P. C.) only for a limited purpose to prima facie decide whether any offence triable by Court of Sessions is made or not? At that stage of 209 Cr. P. C. the Magistrate is empowered to look in to the material for this very limited purpose. At the stage of 227/228 Cr. P. C the Sessions Court is required to look into the case diary or statements (record of the case) only to decide whether there is sufficient grounds for proceeding or not and no further. For clarity Sections 227 and 228 Cr. P. C. are quoted below : "227. Discharge.-If, upon consideration of the record of the case and the documents submitted therewith, and after hearing the submissions of the accused and the prosecution in this behalf, the Judge considers that there is not sufficient ground for proceeding against the accused, he shall discharge the accused and record his reasons for so doing. 228. Framing of charge.- (1) If, after such consideration and hearing as aforesaid, the Judge is of opinion that there is ground for presuming that the accused has committed an offence which - (a) is not exclusively triable by the Court of Session, he may, frame a charge against the accused and, by order, transfer the case for trial to the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and thereupon the Chief Judicial Magistrate shall try the offence in accordance with the procedure for the trial of warrant-cases instituted on a police report; (b) is exclusively triable by the Court, he shall frame in writing a charge against the accused. (2) Where the Judge frames any charge under clause (b) of sub- section (1), the charge shall be read land explained to the accused and the accused shall be asked whether he pleads guilty of the offence charged or claims to be tried. " Under Section 228 Cr. P. C. it is provided that after hearing the prosecution as well as the accused if the Judge is of the opinion that there is ground of presuming that the accused has committed an offence which - (a) is not exclusively triable by the Court of Sessions, he may, frame a charge against the accused and, by order, transfer the case for trial to the Chief Judicial Magistrate, and thereupon the Chief Judicial Magistrate shall tray the offence in accordance with the procedure for the trail of warrant-cases instituted on a police report; (b) is exclusively triable by the Court, he shall frame in writing a charge against the accused.

From a perusal of such an intent of legislature as above it is crystal clear that under Section 228 Cr. P. C. the Sessions Judge is required to scan the material of the case only to come to a prima facie opinion, even on presumption based on cogent and relevant material contained in the record of the case, that the accused has committed an offence triable by Court of Sessions. If on the material contained in the case diary prima facie opinion that the accused has committed offence triable by Court of Sessions is made out can be drawn then in such an eventuality the Sessions Judge has no other option but to frame charges against the accused and put him to trial.

(3.)WITH such a limited scope of scanning the material under Section 227/228 Cr. P. C. when I examine the impugned order dated 19-10-2006 passed by Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah, I find that the said order cannot be sustained in the eyes of law as the said order is wholly illegal and beyond the scope of jurisdiction under Sections 227/228 Cr. P. C. Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah who is personally present in Court today stated that he had six years experience as a Sessions Judge. This fact makes the impugned order worse. Under Section 228 Cr. P. C. the Special Judge had no power to go into the niceties of the evidences to scan it in all its pros and cons, critically appreciate it, and even record of finding of discharge contrary to the statement of the victim recorded under Section 164 Cr. P. C. , which by itself was sufficient to frame charges against the accused persons as he had done all this in the impugned order. I may remind here that a statement under Section 164 Cr. P. C. by itself is admissible in evidence under Section 80 of the Evidence Act. Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah committed a manifest error of law in not giving opportunity to the prosecution and the victim to substantiate the allegations levelled by it/ her against the accused for committing offences under Sections 363, 366, 376, 120-B and 364-A I. P. C. with the allegations that the chastity of a girl was ravished. The unmindful impugned order passed by Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah has done great injustice to the prosecution and the victim. I am constraint to observe that Judicial Officer are expected to act with restraint within the periphery of law and not to transgress the same because of their vanity and obsessions.
Resultantly impugned order in the present revision dated 19- 10-2006 passed by Special Judge (D. A. A.) Etawah in Special Case No. 33 of 2004, under Sections 363, 366, 376, 120-B and 364-A I. P. c registered as crime No. 357 of 2003, Police Station Kotwali, District Etawah discharging the accused for the offences mentioned above is hereby set aside and matter is remanded back to Special Judge (DAA) Etawah to reconsider the discharge prayer of the accused and passed a reasoned order in accordance with law keeping in view the various pronouncement of the Apex Court as well as this Court under Section 227/228 Cr. P. C.

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