(1.)Heard Sri Devendra Pratap Singh and Pramendra Singh, learned counsel for the petitioner and Sri Shashi Shekhar Mishra, learned counsel
appearing for respondent no.2, Kanpur Development Authority, Kanpur.
(2.)By means of this writ petition, quashing of order dtd. 29/1/2016, passed by respondent no. 1, Presiding Officer, Labour-III, U.P. Kanpur
passed on paper No. 16/D and 19/D in Adjudication Case No. 35 of 2013
has been sought.
(3.)Facts as stated in the petition are that the petitioner raised an industrial dispute against his termination before the State Government and
that was referred for adjudication to the Labour Court, Kanpur by means
of a reference under Sec. 4K of the U.P. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 [U.P. Act].
After registration of the case as Adjudication Case No. 35 of 2013, notices
were issued to the parties. A written statement was filed by the petitioner
on 25/5/2013 but, despite notice, neither was any appearance put by the
Kanpur Development Authority before the Labour Court nor was any
written statement filed. Accordingly, proceedings took place exparte that
culminated in an Award dtd. 29/5/2014 which was subsequently
published on 16/7/2014 on the Notice Board of the Labour Court, Kanpur.
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