Shishir Kumar, J. -
(1.)HEARD learned Counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing counsel.
(2.)THE petitioner is candidate who had sought appointment on the post of police constable in the Police Organization of Uttar Pradesh. He had undergone a detailed process of selection/direct recruitment process, which is a condition precedent in the relevant service rules for entering into service of police department. Certain grievances have been raised by the petitioner in respect of the selection process and the result thereof. According to him, candidates having lesser marks have been selected while the petitioner has been excluded from consideration. The selected candidates are being sent for training.
This court has granted indulgence in such matters and has rendered a judgment on 28.5.2010 in a bunch of writ petitions, the leading case being 33037 of 2010 and other writ petitions. This court has provided that the aggrieved person may file objections annexing all the relevant documents to the appropriate authority of the Examination Board. It was provided in the order that such representations were to be submitted by 3rd June 2010. This deadline is over now and the representations of such candidates are still pouring in. Attention of the Court has been drawn to an order passed by this Court on 4.6.2010 in Writ Petition No. 33488 of 2010, Alok Kumar and Ors. v. State of U.P. and Ors. The Court has provided that the petitioners of that case may file a detailed representation before the authority concerned and the same may be considered and disposed of by passing a reasoned and speaking order.
(3.)IN view of above and taking note of the directions contained in the judgment and order dated 28.5.2010 as indicated above, this writ petition is being disposed of with the observations that the petitioner may file a detailed representation immediately within a week from today to the appropriate authority. If any, such representation is filed, the same may be disposed of by passing a reasoned and speaking order within two weeks in accordance with law.
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