Dalveer Bhandari, J. -
(1.)This appeal has been preferred against the judgment of the learned Single Judge dated 19.4.1996 passed in Writ petition No. 1319/96. Brief facts which are necessary to dispose of this appeal are recapitulated as under:
(2.)An application for production of serial 'Chandrakanta' based on the novel of late Shri Devki Nandan Khatri was first made to Doordarshan by Shri Kamleshwar a well known short story writer in May, 1984. The serial was proposed to be completed in 13 episodes. Doordarshan's approval was conveyed for production of this serial on 28th March, 1985.
(3.)On the request of Shri Kamleshwar the above serial was transferred in the name of M/s Prime Channel on 13th January, 1987. Again on the request of Shri Kamleshwar, Doordarshan granted permission to exhibit 26 episodes including the original 13 episodes for the serial. Again on the request of the appellant, the Doordarshan vide its letter dated 21st February, 1994 conveyed in principle the decision of the respondents to extend the serial up to 52 episodes. In this letter it was clearly stated that Doordarshan would have the right to terminate the extension after giving four weeks' notice in case :
(i) viewership of the serial comes down, (ii) if the serial would not attract adequate spot buys. The said letter reads as under: Ref.No.22/3/Kam/85-P-5-Vol.ll 21.2.94. Ms Nirja Guleri, Producer/Director, C-54, Oshiwara Tarapore Gardens, New Link Road, Andheri (West), BOMBAY-400 058. Dear Madam, This has reference to your letter regarding the telecast of TV Serial Chandra Kanta/Chandra Kanta Santiti. We have in principle agreed to grant permission to extend your serial upto 52 episodes. However, Doordarshan would have the right to terminate the extension accorded by giving 4 weeks notice in case : 1. Viewership of the serial comes down, 2. If the serial would not attract adequate spot-buys. The serial currently has been allotted from the 20th March, 1994 at 9:00 a.m. The decision regarding category and the telecast fee has already been communicated to you. You are requested to come on the air from the 20th March, 1994 as discussed earlier. sd/- (N.G. SRINIVASA) CONTROLLER OF PROGS. FOR Director General
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