(1.)NONE had appeared for the respondents No.1/review applicant when arguments were heard in the writ petition on February 01,
2013. The decision was pronounced on February 06, 2013.
(2.)19 original applications filed by different persons, including the first respondent Preeti Balyan were disposed of by a common
judgment and order dated March 30, 2012.
Concededly, the impugned order did not deal with the specific and distinctive fact pertaining to the first respondent. The
decision by the Tribunal dealt with an altogether different set of facts,
pertaining to other applicants before the Tribunal, but as we would be
noticing hereinafter the view taken by the Tribunal was incidentally to the
benefit of the first respondent as well. Since vide order dated February
06, 2013 we have set aside the impugned decision dated March 30, 2012, the petitioner has filed the review petition.
(3.)FACTS pertaining to the first respondent are that the advertisement dated December 29, 2009 inviting applications from
eligible candidates to the post of Primary Teacher mandated that the
minimum educational qualification was a 'two years diploma/certificate
course in ETE/JBT or equivalent or B.El.Ed.' from a recognized
institution. The closing date by which applications could be submitted
was January 15, 2010, which happened to be the cutoff date to acquire
eligibility. Admittedly, first respondent had not obtained the requisite
degree/diploma, which she did only in July, 2011. In spite thereof she
filed the application.
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