(1.)IN exercise of the power conferred under Article 226 of the Constitution of India the 'Delhi High Court Establishment (Appointment &
Conditions of Service) Rules 1972' have been framed. As per Rule 4 thereof
the Establishment of the Delhi High Court consists of posts listed in
Schedule I to the Rules, as amended from time to time. As per the Schedule,
inter-alia, 79 posts of Private Secretaries have been sanctioned.
(2.)BEING a Group ,,A post, the post of a Private Secretary is a ,,Selection' post, requiring 25% of the vacant posts to be filled by promotion
on the basis of seniority-cum-merit and 75% of the vacant posts to be filled
by selection on merit on the basis of a written examination comprising of
one paper in English language (Essay, Grammar and Translation); one paper
of shorthand dictation, to be transcribed on a computer; and a viva-voce
test. The Rule stipulates a minimum transcribing speed in English shorthand
of 120 words per minute and a minimum typing speed of 45 words per
Eligibility is 5 years service as a Stenographer in the senior scale and 7 years service as a Stenographer in the junior scale.
(3.)ON August 21, 2012, 31 vacant posts of Private Secretaries in the 75% test quota were notified to be filled by inviting applications from
eligible candidates. The cut off date for eligibility prescribed was September
10, 2012.
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