(1.)BY this writ petition, the petitioner, who took voluntary retirement from the respondent no.1/school w.e.f 5.7.2012, seeks setting
aside of the memorandum/charge -sheet dated 1.1.2013 and all proceedings
emanating therefrom. Petitioner accordingly argues that since charge -sheet
has to be quashed, he should be paid all the terminal and retiral benefits
which have been withheld by the respondent no.1/school and which were
withheld on account of the departmental proceedings. I may note that the
respondent no.1/school is an aided school i.e 95% of the finances are
provided by the Government of NCT of Delhi through the respondent
no.2/Director of Education.
(2.)ADMITTED facts are that before the petitioner took voluntary retirement w.e.f 5.7.2012, the managing committee of the respondent
no.1/school as per its meeting dated 28.4.2012 had decided to commence
disciplinary proceedings against the petitioner, however, charge -sheet was
only issued subsequently on 1.1.2013 i.e after retirement of the petitioner.
The issue before this Court is whether the respondent no.1/school can
initiate proceedings against a teacher after retirement.
It is the undisputed position before me that employees of the
respondent no.1/school including the petitioner are governed by the
relevant CCS Pension Rules as also Central Civil Services Leave Rules in
view of the order of the Director of Education dated 25.3.1991. We will
therefore have to examine whether there are provisions in CCS Pension
Rules and Central Civil Services Leave Rules which entitle the respondent
no.1/school to initiate departmental proceedings after retirement of an
employee and also as to whether these rules entitle withholding of terminal
benefits during pendency of departmental proceedings commenced after
At the outset, I may note that since the Pension Rules and Leave Encashment Rules being applicable to respondent no.1/school are
the rules of the Central Government, the same obviously will have to be
applied mutatis mutandis when the same are applied to employees/teachers
of schools, i.e so far as certain language or certain requirements are
concerned they cannot be applied on the basis of literal application and
construction of the Pension and Leave Encashment Rules and the language
will have to be read in a suitable altered manner on being applied to
disciplinary proceedings which are conducted by the schools. I may also
state that Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 apply to employees
of a school and therefore relevant CCS (Pension) Rules and the Leave
Encashment Rules will have to be read with the relevant provisions of the
Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973. The relevant provisions of
Delhi School Education Act and Rules, 1973 are Rules 118 to 120 which
provide for disciplinary proceedings and imposition of punishment.
(3.)ON behalf of the petitioner, it is contended before me, that, there is no power in the respondent no.1 -school to initiate disciplinary
proceedings after retirement of the petitioner and hence the memorandum
of charges dated 1.1.2013 issued after retirement on 5.7.2012, needs to be
quashed. It is also argued that once disciplinary proceedings cannot be
initiated after retirement, petitioner will be entitled to all the terminal and
retirement benefits as if no disciplinary proceedings are pending. It is also
argued that entitlement to withhold the pension and gratuity in terms of
Rule 9(1) of the Pension Rules is only after there is a final order of the
disciplinary authority or a judgment of the Court is passed that the
charged/guilty employee has caused pecuniary loss to the
employer/organization. This aforesaid argument urged is qua the pension
and gratuity payment. With respect to Leave Encashment Rules it is
argued on the basis of Rule 39(3) of the Leave Encashment Rules that even
assuming pension and gratuity cannot be paid as per the CCS Pension Rule
9, however, so far as leave encashment payment is concerned, the provision of Rule 39(3) is quite clearly different inasmuch as there is no
provision for initiating proceedings after retirement and
withholding/appropriation of leave encashment amounts payable can only
be after a final order in disciplinary proceedings or there is a judgment
passed by the Court. Reliance on behalf of the petitioner is placed upon
the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of State of Jharkhand and
Ors. Vs. Jitendra Kumar Srivastava and Anr. 2013 (10) SCALE 310 to
argue that Supreme Court in this judgment has laid down the ratio that
unless the departmental proceedings stand concluded or there is a judgment
of the civil court by which the employee is held guilty of causing
pecuniary loss, retirement benefits cannot be withheld by the school.
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